Yeeply Blog

Welcome to the Yeeply blog! Read articles on digital trends, app and web development, software programming, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, EPM, digital solutions and much more. Enjoy!

Game of Drones: latest innovations and trending apps

  Drones are incredibly popular with one of the biggest companies in the world, Amazon. Amazon wants to use drones to deliver packages in the ...
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Facial recognition: innovation, advancements and doubts

In the future, customers in a store could be recognised by facial recognition for the purposes of targeted advertising. Customers could receive advertisements a few ...
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How business apps provide solutions for companies

There are already millions of apps available that solve many problems. However, the idea that the app market is saturated is false. There are two ...

Internet of Things: soon connecting the world by 26+ billion devices

Internet of Things (IoT) isn’t an upcoming new phenomenon anymore. It will almost certainly be a huge part of our lives and will facilitate many ...

The potential of Augmented Reality that comes with the exit of iOS 11

The soon-to-be-released iOS 11 will unlock a huge amount of possibilities for Augmented Reality (AR). But what is Augmented Reality? Not to be confused with Virtual Reality ...
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What is a blockchain wallet and how do you choose the best one ?

If you are getting started in cryptocurrencies then one of the first things that you need to know about are bitcoin wallets. It makes sense. ...
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Can Mobile App Development Tools build you the app you want?

You have a great idea for your product or service. Your business plan is written and you’re ready to execute. But when it comes to ...
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6 Great Bitcoin Apps to Check Out

Recently I’ve written a few articles about blockchain tecnology and bitcoin. Bitcoin, the cybercurrency, and blockchain, the technology it is built on, bring new possibilities ...
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What’s a Bitcoin and how will cryptocurrencies change mobile payments?

In my last blog I wrote about blockchain tecnology. One of the most well-known uses of blockchain is to run the distributed ledger that regulates ...

The Importance of Mobile Application Development for SMEs

It’s no secret that leisure applications increase customer loyalty and allow transmitting the company’s values to consumers while they are entertaining themselves and having fun. This ...

10 Steps for Developing a Website

As with any technical project, website development is no easy task. There are many “open fronts” that we must keep in mind. And we should ...

Web Security: how to secure your database and web servers

Numerous incidents of hacking attacks have demonstrated that among the most crucial issues to any business with an online presence is web server security. Web ...

5 reasons why Recruitment Agencies need an App

‘There’s an app for that’ isn’t just a catchy tagline, it’s now used as a joke amongst friends. But, so often, it is also true. ...

Advantages and disadvantages of web app development

We spend our lives fiddling with countless devices. And we spend many hours surfing the Internet and visiting all kinds of websites. Sometimes it’s due ...
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The Best Business Apps for Android

A few years ago, it was unthinkable to run a company with the help of an app running on devices such as smartphones and the ...

Increase User Acquisition with ASO

Creating an app for the Apple App Store or Google Play Store is no small feat. But when an app is ready to deploy, you ...

Virtual Reality App: experimenting with new digital worlds

By Virtual Reality (VR), we refer to a wide activity framework. It may be defined as the environments in which technology is used to generate ...
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What Will Mobile App Development Look Like in the Near Future?

When I was a kid I remember a programme on the TV in the UK: Tomorrow’s World. Every week it showed us how we would ...
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When and how to create an app for your business

A common question among companies is: “Does my company need a mobile application?“ Our experience tells us that it will DEPEND. Not every business or ...

Intel Multi-OS Engine: the crossplatform mobile development environment

Despite the benefits of native development over cross-platform mobile development, many companies hesitate to make native applications for each platform. One reason is that this ...