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Artificial Intelligence Software: AI Apps Examples

Artificial Intelligence Software: AI Apps Examples

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer the future: it is the present.

And proof of this is that its use is increasingly widespread in sectors such as medicine, the automotive industry, logistics or telecommunications.

The popularisation of Artificial Intelligence software is also a reality: ChatGPT, OpenAI’s powerful language model, has reached 10 million daily users in just 40 days, surpassing the initial rapid growth of popular platforms like Instagram.

It is estimated that, in a short time, its monthly users will exceed 20 million.


What is AI for companies

Artificial Intelligence is the set of technologies that allows the development of computer systems with “human capabilities” such as perception, understanding, problem solving or learning.

Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Emphasising its “group” trait is important, since when we talk about AI, we cannot mention related concepts such as Machine Learning or Deep Learning.

With Artificial Intelligence we refer to the ability of a machine to imitate the cognitive functions that we associate with humans.

Machine Learning, for its part, is a branch of AI that makes it possible for machines to learn “by themselves” thanks to an algorithm and the establishment of patterns.

Some examples of Machine Learning are facial recognition, predictive text or recommendations from streaming platforms such as Netflix.

With respect to Deep Learning, it’s a complex and advanced type of AI, based on an algorithm that mimics the neural networks of the human brain.

Are you familiar with smart translators, voice assistants (Siri, Google Home, Cortana) or similar image search with Google Photos? Well, they are very popular examples of Deep Learning.

The question is, why do these technologies have so much potential for your company?

AI is used in computational linguistics, data processing (Artificial Intelligence for Big Data), virtual reality, robotics, control systems or simulation and in many engineering applications of artificial intelligence.

Some of AI applications are: 

  • Purchasing systems optimization.
  • Process automation.
  • Customer segmentation.
  • Development of custom products.
  • Strengthening of cybersecurity.
  • Fraud detection.
  • Compliance with production forecasts.
  • Data prediction.
  • Care functions.
  • Detection and correction of anomalies.

The applications of Artificial Intelligence in your company are translated into:

  • Time saving.
  • Reduction of production costs.
  • Greater capacity for innovation.
  • Elimination of errors.


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The potential of Artificial Intelligence Software in AI Apps

One of the fields where AI has the greatest potential is in the development of mobile apps for iOS and Android devices.

In fact, the developers of this type of support already carry out many of their projects implementing Artificial Intelligence technologies with the aim of:

1. Improve the user experience 

AI drives personalised and intuitive experiences that users feel more comfortable and confident with.

2. Automate operations 

AI-powered mobile apps that complement business software can automate tasks, eliminate errors, and achieve a high degree of accuracy, especially when it comes to data management.

3. Be more efficient 

Many AI-powered mobile apps perform tasks faster than humans and learn from their mistakes, which translates into greater efficiency.

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6 uses of Artificial Intelligence Software in mobile apps

Today, the implementation of AI is available to all types of companies, SMEs and startups, thanks to Artificial Intelligence apps.

Some of its uses are:

Automated chats (chatbots)

The chatbots based on AI are intelligent tools that help mobile apps to answer queries, in real time, thanks to its natural language processing capacity. Available 24/7, they decipher each question, look for related relevant information and share it in context. It is estimated that automated chats could save the healthcare, banking, and retail industries up to $11 billion annually.

Digital assistants

Thanks to speech recognition, users can communicate with your app while driving or running any task. These types of assistants are very useful for people with disabilities. In these cases, the goal of the developers is to provide dynamic call scripts and adjust dialog hints in real time.


Security is one of the main concerns of application users. AI enhances your security in two ways: by processing huge amounts of data at high speed and by detecting possible threats to cybersecurity, that prevents many attacks; on the other hand, biometric authentication (facial recognition, fingerprints, etc.) makes Apps more secure.

Predictive analytics

With intelligent algorithms it is possible to examine the data of your clients to establish frameworks of work in the medium and short term: you will know changes in their behaviour and you will have precise data on the demand for products and services in the future.

Object detection

Image recognition technology and AI can identify objects, people, locations, and other relevant items. Applied to the field of health, they can serve as a diagnostic element. And in the case of insurers, Artificial Intelligence software speeds up underwriting and claims processing tasks with a single photo.


AI covers the needs of each user: analysing their behaviour within the app and identifying your unique preferences, it is possible to offer you precise solutions, something useful for any company that sells products or services online.

artificial intelligence app
Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Development are the present and future of companies. Source: Canva

4 Artificial Intelligence applications for AI Apps

To better understand the potential of this technology combined with mobile AI apps, we have compiled 4 uses of Artificial Intelligence:


Replika is one of the best apps for AI-based chatbot. It helps people find a virtual “friend” to have a discussion or conversation on various topics. Replika can respond to text and voice messages, has augmented reality features, and tracks conversation quality.


FaceApp is one of the best AI apps for Android phones. It helps you to edit your photos and allows you to turn a selfie into a portrait or enhance facial features. Very popular, it is easy to use, you can share the images on social networks and it supports several languages.


Socratic is one educational application based on Google’s AI that was born with the aim of serving as support for professors and teachers. Its text and voice recognition function helps to find learning resources. Among its features, its scanning function, its multilingual support or its forum, Q&A and debate options stand out.

Swiftkey keyboard

Microsoft SwiftKey is also a good AI example. It is an AI-powered smart keyboard that understands your typing style so you can type faster and better. In addition to text, you can send emojis, GIFs and stickers. You will be able to synchronise it on several devices and make the most of its powerful predictive text.


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Yeeply is a pioneer in the development of Artificial Intelligence Software

At Yeeply we are pioneers in the use of Artificial Intelligence for custom software development, both websites and apps.

We help companies of all sizes to implement AI in your mobile apps: think that the sooner your organisation adopts Artificial Intelligence software technology, the greater the probability of obtaining a competitive advantage in your sector.

Are you looking for an expert developer in Artificial Intelligence in London, Manchester, Liverpool? Would you like to see some examples of AI developed by our teams?

We will introduce to you our best professionals in artificial intelligence software development for businesses.

If you have a project, but want to know more about the potential of AI for your business, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help you.

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