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Why you need a Digital Partner for your Business

Why you need a Digital Partner for your Business

Nowadays, the digital transformation of companies is often supported by a digital partner. Especially for the execution of technical projects such as the creation of a new website or a mobile application.

A digital partner or mentor is a person or company that accompanies you in digital processes, contributing their experience to ensure you make the right decisions.

If you’re looking for a digital partner to help you overcome your tech challenges, here are some ideas on how to choose a digital mentor for your business.

Benefits of having a digital partner for your business

A digital partner can be your tower of strength when it comes to tackling digital transformation processes. Depending on your needs, they are there to help you with any specific project, such as creating a new website.

They could also advise you in the course of a much broader and more complex process, as they have the required experience and knowledge.

Besides, their support can help you avoid making unnecessary mistakes which can save you time and money.


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Handshake during a meeting for the business.  Source: Pexels

A digital mentor brings you new perspectives and points of view which will undoubtedly enrich your project. Furthermore, they could provide you with new business ideas or suggestions to grow in a sustainable and viable way.

Otherwise, you would make uncertain decisions and learn from trial and error. Yet, is that bad? Not at all. But if you can avoid mistakes, why not?


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How to choose a digital partner

Among the many possibilities you have, it’s normal to be hesitant to select a digital partner for your business. Which aspects should you bear in mind when making this decision? Let’s take a look at the most vital ones!

1. Reliability

The reliability of the team you hire is fundamental. When opting for a digital partner, you should have the peace of mind that everything is going to be fine because they have the know-how to manage it.

Therefore, don’t hesitate to ask for references. Being able to talk to others or see testimonials from companies they have worked with is essential.

Companies often have specific sections on their website or blog where they share success stories. Check them out.

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Review to rely on the team. Source: Pixabay

2. Experience

Sometimes it’s not just about finding a good, experienced digital partner. Often, it’s even harder to find one whose experience is similar to your project.

Knowing your sector and having worked on projects of a similar magnitude to the one you are planning are bonus points when looking for a digital partner for your business.

Thus, if you meet up with the company, do not hesitate to ask for specific experience in your sector. Knowing success stories similar to the ones you propose will make it much easier to make your final decision.

Your digital partner must have knowledge of the sector and experience in carrying out projects similar to yours

3. Budget

When it comes to dealing with a digital project, you usually have a limited budget set by the company. Therefore, finding a digital partner that fits your budget is a must.

Before hiring a digital partner, don’t hesitate to ask which concepts are included and which ones are extra. Ask if it’s a closed quotation or if it can increase if unforeseen circumstances arise.

This way you’ll keep the project’s budget under control and avoid unpleasant surprises.

Would you like to receive a customised quotation for your digital project? Request it here!

Where to look for a digital partner?

Now that you know the possible benefits of hiring a digital partner for your business, it’s time to find one.

But where should you start looking? We’ve listed a few options for you!

business plan
Business plan both on computer than on paper done with a partner. Source: Pexels

1. Platforms to find freelancers

Freelancer platforms allow you to find and hire professionals ready to work on your digital project. Whether it’s an app or a new web project, in this type of portals it’s easy to find candidates ready to start as soon as possible.

However, for such platforms, it’s more complicated to check references, as they are often based on a system of valuations that don’t necessarily have to be real.

In addition, if your project is of great importance, the professional may not be able to carry it out with guarantees.

Yeeply: the Reference Marketplace for Professionals and IT Companies

2. Digital agencies

Nowadays, there is an infinite number of digital agencies that accompany companies in their digital transformation processes. Frequently, these agencies cover many other aspects, beyond web development or the creation of an app for your business.

One one hand, this may seem like an advantage. But on the other hand, it leads to a lack of specialisation in digital products. As a result, the quality of the web or app could suffer from that.

3. Development companies

Another option for finding a digital partner is to turn to a development company. You’ll find some that cover several types of projects, while others are specialised in more specific fields.

Often, you may encounter exclusively technical profiles that do not perfectly understand the needs of your business, making it more complex to successfully focus on your new digital project.

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4. Yeeply

At Yeeply, we have experience in carrying out projects for small businesses to large corporations. Thanks to our algorithm, you can be sure that the team that we recommend is the right one for you.

Our professionals are teams with proven experience, with whom we have worked previously and who have passed our validation process.

We do this to guarantee that you only work with the best experts. Besides, you can trust our teams to realise your project successfully.

Do you want to know more about us? Or do you want to know how we can help you out with your digital projects? Contact us!


We would be pleased to be the digital partner of your business.

Digital Transformation Project
