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Digital Consulting for Companies: the Benefits of IT Consulting Services

Digital Consulting for Companies: the Benefits of IT Consulting Services

Hiring IT consultancy services is key if you want your business to be at the forefront of technology and be competitive in the market.

This type of digital consultants are in charge of advising companies and professionals to manage their IT resources and deliver a successful digital strategy consulting.

One of its peculiarities is that they adapt their services (web consulting, computer consulting, digital marketing consulting, digital strategic consulting, digital transformation consulting, integral consulting etc.) to the needs of each organization.

Counting on their experience will allow you to make efficient decisions about your technological infrastructure: from what type of hardware you should invest in or what software you should integrate into your business, to the design and implementation of strategies to improve your IT and data management systems.


What is IT consulting and its importance for companies

Companies use computer programs and other technologies (telecommunications services and to store and share information, such as computers, monitors, data centers, smartphones, social networks, etc.) in most of their processes, and managing them is a fundamental part of their day to day.

In this context, IT (Information Technology or information technologies) can drastically affect all aspects of a business, including online shopping, digital marketing, social networks, communication or cloud computing, becoming the driving force of business evolution.

The rise of the internet and digitization have boosted the IT sector exponentially, and meeting these needs is a challenge that does not admit delays.


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However, the IT industry offers a great diversity of options (platforms, programming languages, methodologies, technologies, tools, etc.) that can be overwhelming and that, without the right knowledge, it is impossible to control.

The work of IT consulting services or integral technology consulting focuses on helping you select and use the most appropriate technologies to achieve your goals (achieve more sales, get new customers, retain current customers, improve production, etc.).

To do this, they integrate the necessary systems and adapt them to your company’s work methodology, applying their knowledge and experience through an agreed action plan.

digital transformation consulting
Digitization and strategic IT consulting boosted the IT sector exponentially. Source: Canva

Benefits of IT consulting services

Information technologies make companies more efficient.

They also improve communication, increase performance, generate competitive advantages and create innovative products and/or services.

Working with a partner such as an IT consultancy also guarantees you an external and specialized point of view to get the most out of your technological resources.

Other benefits of this decision are:

1. Cost and time savings

Outsourcing an IT consultancy to specialized teams is cheaper than hiring an IT consultant within your company, especially if you are an SME or a startup that does not have enough work for a full-time employee with this profile.

In addition, with the services of an IT consultant you will cover your technological demands, how and when you need it.

2. Optimization of resources

Outsourcing the most specialized services of your company will help you focus on expanding your business.

That’s because although many companies try to manage their technology internally, the amount of time, money and resources invested in it is very high.

On the other hand, by delegating your digital transformation to a strategic consultancy you will have the peace of mind of relying on the best experts

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3. Identification of objective improvements

IT consultancies move in different digital environments and are familiar with companies from all sectors.

Its teams of experts are trained to identify critical areas for improvement, recommend changes and implement technology that helps your company to be more efficient.

4. Increased security

Most of the companies in this sector have their own security department, and they are perfectly familiar with the infrastructure, the users, and your business model.

Besides, they collaborate with large companies (Microsoft, HP, Arctic Wolf, etc.) to offer the best prices and get fast support when you need it.

Phases of the digital consulting process

Digital consulting for companies consists of different stages:

  • Diagnosis. It is used to analyze the current situation of your company and list what problems there are or what areas can be optimized.
  • Analysis. After a first diagnosis, the improvements that can be implemented are established and an action plan is generated to carry them out.
  • Implementation and execution. It consists of applying the proposed improvements, implementing the selected technologies and executing the proposed action plan.
  • Assessment. After the implementation phase, the consultant’s technical team will qualitatively and quantitatively measure the results, and will assess whether the actions have solved the problems detected and met the previously defined objectives.

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Examples of digital strategic consulting services

Expert IT consultancies advise companies on all decisions that have to do with their technological infrastructure, which may be:

  1. business. They look for comprehensive IT solutions.
  2. The software. Choose an industrial software or custom software is not always an easy task, and this type of consultancy will help you find the best alternative for your project.
  3. Of digital transformation. This type of consultancy will allow you to “leap” into the digital world without forgetting your objectives and without losing your essence.
  4. Of processes. In this case, the IT consultant observes what it is and how your company’s processes work, detects problems and seeks solutions such as process automation.

Theservices that this type of consultancy offers son:

  • Comprehensive strategy design.
  • Creation of computer systems.
  • Implementation and integration of systems.
  • Analysis of data.
  • Security.
  • Software management.
  • ERP services.
  • EPM SaaS solutions adapted to the needs of your SME.
  • App development.
  • Cross platform development.
  • Mobile game development.
  • Web development.
  • Digital transformation.


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Yeeply connects you with the best digital strategy consulting firms

Digital consultants solve specific problems, give strategic advice, make a good diagnosis of the situation and avoid extra expenses.

Some of the skills associated with this professional profile are efficiency, proactivity, specialized knowledge, transparency and consistency to guarantee the privacy and integrity of the data handled by companies, as well as to implement systems that guarantee its continuity (disaster recovery and automated backups, for example).

At Yeeply, we help SMEs, startups and large companies to find the best teams and professionals in technology consulting to improve their processes and address their digital transformation.

We are experts in the development of apps thanks to our experience in the sector and we offer you direct advice in this area, although we also work with highly specialized teams to cover all kinds of IT services.

Consult our services and ask us for a quote.

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