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Cloud Computing Trends 2022 and Benefits for businesses

Cloud Computing Trends 2022 and Benefits for businesses

In a nutshell, cloud computing for companies consists of offering large-scale service rentals over the Internet. It allows storage services, databases, software, etc. to be rented rather than purchased. 

In England cloud computing has changed the way companies work and is an expanding market with an annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.3%.



What is Cloud Computing?

It is a technology that provides remote access to different services over the Internet.

With this model you do not have to install applications or software locally on your computer and it offers any company an almost unlimited pool of resources with easy access and low cost.

Cloud computing for companies uses the network to connect devices with Internet access to available resources that are centralised on your server. 

Computing services cover a wide range of options ranging from storage, artificial intelligence, and of course office applications

The cloud computing market is huge and so internalized that you use it without realising it. For example, when sending emails or when watching movies online.

Because of its great potential, the cloud is becoming the default choice for many applications and software vendors are increasingly offering applications over the Internet.

All kinds of organizations, from start-ups to large corporations, are adopting this technology.

According to the 2019 RightScale report, 91% of companies already use some public cloud computing service.


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Cloud Computing trends 2022 and over the next few years

– According to Gartner, global spending on cloud computing services will reach 260,000 million dollars this year.  

Google Drive already exceeds one billion users; while the Google Workspace has reached 2 billion subscriptions; and Dropbox more than 700 million registered users. These figures are expected to continue to rise throughout this year.

By 2025, there will be more than 100 zettabytes of data stored in the cloud. 

By 2022 , combined end-user spending on cloud services will reach $397.5 billion.

– The global cloud computing market was worth over $76 billion in 2021 and its value is expected to skyrocket to $390 billion by 2028

Cloud Computing services for business 

Cloud computing offers a cost-effective solution for your company to increase its IT capacity and functionality.

However, not all clouds are created equal. Below we tell you the different types of Cloud Computing you can find.

companies that offer cloud computing services
Cloudcomputing services. Source: Pexels

There are 4 different types of Cloud Computing:

Private Cloud

Its use is exclusive to a single organization and can be hosted at your company’s own location or in the cloud provider’s data center. 

Although private cloud hosting can be expensive, you will enjoy a high level of security, control over the server and you will be able to create an infrastructure tailored to your company.

Public Cloud

The IT infrastructure is located on the premises of the cloud provider, which provides its services to its customers via the Internet. The provider of the services is responsible for the creation and maintenance of the services.

This model will provide your organization with a large number of services on a tight budget, through a subscription model and allows quick and easy scalability in services.

Hybrid Cloud

Combines public and private cloud. You will be able to host your critical applications on your own servers, in the private cloud, and the secondary applications are stored in the public cloud.

By combining these two models, you enjoy a customized solution that meets any requirement that your company may need.


Multicloud uses multiple cloud computing devices and storage in a single architecture. 

It is made up of more than one cloud service and more than one cloud provider, whether public or private. 

A multi-cloud environment can help you, for example, better control your sensitive data or improve disaster recovery.


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The 3 different Cloud Computing services for business


The Software as a Service (SaaS) is a software deployment model in which the cloud provider hosts the applications in its own environment. Rather than having to purchase and maintain your own infrastructure, you’ll benefit from a go subscription

Companies that offer cloud computing services through SaaS allow you to scale up or down services, depending on fluctuations in your workload. As a consequence you will get a complete software for all your needs such as customer experience, project management, ERP procurement or business planning.


In Platform as a Service (PaaS), you can access development tools to create and manage web and mobile applications. The provider hosts the infrastructure and middleware components, so you can enjoy those services over the internet.

PaaS solutions are scalable and perfect if you operate in a commercial environment where several of your developers work on the same project.

It includes solutions for analysts, end users and professional IT administrators and innovative technologies such as AI, chatbots or blockchain.


Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is the most common enterprise cloud computing model. It offers the fundamental infrastructure of virtual servers, networks, operating systems and data storage units.

This makes it ideal if you own a small or medium-sized business looking for a cost-effective IT solution to support its growth, as it is a flexible, reliable and scalable system that eliminates the need for office hardware.

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Top 5 Benefits of Cloud Computing for business

1. Cost savings

This is one of the biggest advantages of cloud computing. You only pay for what you use, so if you ever stop needing a program, you just don’t have to pay for it. The same goes for storage space, since depending on the space you need, this will be your rate.

2. Security 

The data encryption used in cloud computing when storing or moving data over the Internet prevents hackers or unauthorized persons from gaining access to your information. 

Rapid Scale states that 94% of companies saw an improvement in security after moving to the cloud; and 91% said the cloud makes it easier to comply with legal requirements. 

3. Flexibility

Cloud computing offers your business more flexibility compared to hosting on local servers. For example, you can easily enjoy additional bandwidth service without the need for a complex and expensive upgrade.  

4.Disaster Recovery

Sometimes disasters happen. However, cloud-based services provide you with fast data recovery for all kinds of emergency scenarios.

5. Automatic software updates 

Cloud-based applications are automatically updated and refreshed. You will no longer have to do it manually, which leads to significant time savings.


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Yeeply provides Cloud Computing services for companies

Today, most companies need a hybrid infrastructure strategy to align their IT infrastructure with the overall strategy and the business objective. 

What makes Yeeply different is our approach. We know that there is a one-size-fits-all solution for IT infrastructure and cloud computing. 

We work with you to understand your business and your goals and needs, in order to provide you with a cost-effective, efficient and effective cloud computing strategy that works for your organization now and in the future.

Contact our team of cloud computing consulting experts to help you build the right cloud solution for your organization.

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