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The best digital and tech experts for your business

The best digital and tech experts for your business

According to Research & Marketers, the digital transformation industry will reach $ 1,009.8 million by 2025.

These data reveal the importance for companies to find figures such as tech experts (product designers, software developers, digital marketers, UX / UI designers, etc.) who can improve digital transformation projects, streamline processes and, at the same time, who have the social skills that allow the company to adapt to change successfully. 


Why do you need tech experts in your company?

Companies must respond to the needs of the market, this is their raison d’etre and this is the way to provide value to their customers.

Digitisation allows you to keep up to date and emerge in a competitive environment full of new challenges.

All of these challenges can be successfully addressed if we have the right tech experts. It is therefore not surprising that the most in-demand digital professionals today are software developers, digital product designers, digital marketing experts, data experts, artificial intelligence, RPA, EPM, app developers, etc.

Digital talent is not limited to basic digital skills, these professionals must have a multidisciplinary profile, where in addition to having technical knowledge, they have personal skills and competences that can add great value to the organization.


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The fundamental skills of tech experts

To be considered a good tech expert, you need both hard and soft skills.

Hard skills represent technical knowledge such as programming, Big Data or the Internet of Things expertise. Soft skills, on the other hand, are social and interpersonal skills, including adaptability and emotional intelligence.

The 3 key tech experts you need for digital projects

Carrying out any type of digital project is a complex task, in which many factors and types of digital transformation partners are involved, which is why it is not always the most effective method to adddress to just one person. Most of the time it is more convenient to rely on a team that offers multiple digital profiles who can satisfy all our needs.

When it comes to developing a project, these are the tech experts we should address:

  1. Project manager

    Reference figure throughout the development of all types of digital transformation projects. It is responsible for planning, executing and monitoring the actions that are part of the whole process. It makes decisions, which will always be aligned with the proposed goals.He has the technical knowledge to generate ideas, solutions and supervise every action, but he also has the communication skills to deal with suppliers, customers and to act as an intermediary between the company and the team workers.

  2. Product Designer (design thinking) 

    Participates in the entire creation and decision making process. This tech expert provides insight into customer interaction, behaviors, problems and needs to be solved. This position requires a versatile profile that provides technical knowledge in disciplines such as UX, UI or service design and also leadership skills. 

  3. Developer or programmer of digital products 

    These are the tech experts who have the necessary skills to achieve all types of digital services for businesses in an optimal way. As a rule, they tend to be hard to find, like software developers.


business digital partner
Outsourcing of digital services. Source: Pixabay.com

The main technical categories you can hire 

These are the main technical categories if you need to hire tech talent:

  • App Developers or programmers

They are dedicated to the different aspects involved in the app software development process. This means they contribute both to the general vision of the digital project and to more specific aspects such as programming tasks. They work with the Android or iOS operating systems and develop both cross-platform apps and native or web apps.

  • Software Developers

They are in charge of developing the foundations of the operating systems that are created by programmers and testing the code to ensure its efficiency. You will need them if the digital project you have in mind is, for example, a new product based on a digital tool (RPA, AI, EPM, IoT etc.).

  • Web Developers

These are programmers who specialize in developing web applications that run on a web server and run from a corporate website to an online store or registration platform.


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  • UX / UI design experts

These tech experts deal with user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) making our customers feel comfortable when using the technological tools we create for them. Their work helps build customer loyalty and attract more users.

  • Graphic design experts

They create any graphic element we need. They can work alone or as part of a team and take care of creating everything from brand logos to corporate graphic identities.

  • Digital marketing experts 

They plan, execute and manage the digital marketing plan of companies based on the target market in which they operate and use tools such as SEO, SEM, social networks, etc. to achieve the company’s goals.

E6 Ebook transformación digital

Why outsource digital services? 

To save time and money, without skimping on tech experts and effectiveness, 90% of companies are already hiring external digital service providers who facilitate the journey to digital solutions for business and make this journey much easier and more effective.

5 reasons why you should outsource your digital talent


  • Access to the latest technologies.

By outsourcing your digital projects, you can access a team of experienced tech experts who are specialized in all technology fields: application development, product design, software development, data management, artificial intelligence, digital services, RPA, IoT, EPM etc.

  • Save time and money

Hiring your own team takes more time and money to train, while hiring an external development team with digital talent and experience helps save costs.


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  • Different Perspectives and Skills

Outsourcing of technology resources allows you to manage a project from different perspectives. A team of professionals outside our organization will bring a new point of view and new and better solutions. 

  • Focus on key competencies

Running a business is complex and managing a digital project may not be our strong point. Outsourcing this service allows a team of tech experts to manage your transformation digital projects much more efficiently.

  • Flexibility and Scalability

The outsourcing of different experienced digital partners in each of the disciplines gives us greater scalability and allows us to redirect resources to meet new demands. 

Find the tech experts you need at Yeeply 

Due to the lack of digital resources and digital talent in the job market, many companies are struggling for tech talent recruitment to embark on digital transformation processes. At Yeeply, we believe that all businesses today should have easy access to tech experts and digital partners

Thanks to a network of more than 100 certified tech experts teams, Yeeply can support you and help you realize your project from A to Z. We will provide you with all the digital professions profiles we have just presented and many more. 

Contact us to put new technologies at the center of your strategy, we will be happy to help you.

Digital Transformation Project
