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Benefits of Automation for Companies Thanks to RPA Solutions

Benefits of Automation for Companies Thanks to RPA Solutions

The Robotic Process Automatic or RPA is essential for the strengthening and transformation of companies.

More than half of organizations already implement RPA solutions and around the remaining 20% ​​will do so in the coming years, according to a Deloitte study.

The numbers are especially important among entrepreneurs: 1 in 10 startups will have a superior digital workforce with RPA by 2023.

Even so, it is estimated that 50% of RPA opportunities for companies are being lost, especially in Software Testing and Big Data Hadoop.


Why apply RPA solutions to optimize internal processes

In the last decades, the use of robots has improved productivity of companies and has freed their workers from the most repetitive tasks, so that they could focus on the most creative ones.

Taking advantage of employee talent continues to be the main reason for applying RPA solutions for growth of companies.

But workflow automation also means higher productivity, precision and considerable adaptability when supporting high demand peaks or reductions in production.

Additionally, using RPA tools as part of an overall automation strategy allows software “bots” to be configured to trigger responses, manipulate data, and communicate with other digital systems in a consistent and reliable manner.

In this sense, RPA processes reduce risks, eliminate the factor of “human error” and speed up the reports preparation.


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Advantages of RPA

RPA solutions are complement to human labor which facilitates:

  • Focus on solving problems
  • Create new strategies
  • Propose improvements

Some of the benefits of RPA for companies are:

1. Time saving

By automating “basic” tasks such as validating the information on forms or registering new clients and suppliers, it is possible to save up to 90% time.

2. Greater efficiency

Human efficiency is limited because people can only spend a certain number of hours on each task.

RPA software doesn’t need rest, and it can be used 24/7, 365 days a year.

3. Error reduction

RPA algorithms are accurate and have a minimum margin of error. His work is totally trustworthy.

4. Synchronization with other software and tools

An RPA software for companies helps make decisions based on structured and objective data. This means that every input of information is used to the maximum.

In addition, RPA development’s nature is “digital”, so it can be combined with other technologies (Inteligencia Artificial, Machine Learning, etc.)

5. Innovation and scalability

Having a constantly available workforce will allow you to produce new products, solutions, processes and procedures.

Thanks to its flexibility, RPA technology will support all these actions.

rpa for small business
Automation companies for RPA development services. Source: Pexels

The tasks that are most successfully automated thanks to RPA solutions

You already know RPA benefits , but do you know possible RPA implementations in your company?

HR department

  • History verification.
  • Diet management.
  • Assistance management.
  • Management of payroll.
  • Management of internal employee data.
  • Data traceability for performance reviews.
  • Registrations / cancellations management.
  • Notices of contract expiry or extension.

Accounting department

  • Payroll automation.
  • Execution of financial reports.
  • Registry maintenance.
  • Billing.
  • Price comparison.

Customer service department

  • Query classification.
  • Custom data collection.
  • Customer data storage.
  • Registration of distributors, customers and employees.

IT Department

  • Software download.
  • Preset software automation.
  • Monitoring and automatic data storage (backup copies).
  • Automation of notifications.
  • Synchronization, deletion and emptying of documents/folders.


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3 examples of RPA solutions for growth companies (use cases of RPA)

Example 1

An industrial automation company receives many messages from customers. It is a person who must filter them and refer them to the commercial department, which can create bottlenecks.

The RPA allows studying the management of Inbound channels through WhatsApp Business to automate this process.

It is even possible to evaluate the integration with CRM layers on the web for the distribution by skills or by geographical areas of influence to filter the information.

In this RPA project, the main goal is to reduce to the maximum the manual and complex processes that require human figures with internal Knowledge in administration/secretarial processes.

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Example 2

A company wants to automate the documentation dump process of your clients on various platforms.

Until now, this work was done manually and involved a volume of documentation between 1,500 and 2,000 documents per platform, which generated many hours of both internal and external personnel.

In this case, consolidated RPA development services will be sought, with analysis and understanding capabilities, and with the possibility of integration by API and Web Service.

Example 3

Mercedes Benz Vitoria: an example of a successful implementation of RPA in companies.

The Mercedes Benz Vitoria plant, where the VITO and CLASS-V models are manufactured, has the most advanced manufacturing technologies.

Many of the processes of its financial areathey could be automated to improve reengineering and efficiency, and generate an environment of collaboration and collectivization of knowledge.

However, the challenges faced by an organization of these characteristics are high (more than 3,000 employees, the need for digitization, a particularly competitive sector, etc.).

After a specific analysis, it detected more than 150 processes and a large number of management systems with various technologies (SAP, AS-400, Office, Web…) that can be optimized with RPA technology.

The solution implementation process was carried out in 5 phases:

  1. Disclosure. Or what is the same, explain to all the people involved what RPA technology consists of to create a “culture of automation”.
  2. Inventoried. It basically consisted of identifying the processes in each area and establishing those that could be automated now or in the future.
  3. Development estimate. That is, define what solution each process needs to be automated and what this implies (steps, systems involved, investment, etc.).
  4. Prioritization. It is about assessing all automation initiatives and analyzing what benefits each one of them would bring. This can be done thanks to the completion of sheets that include key indicators of the opportunity such as ROI.
  5. Backlog. It consists of generating a RoadMap for the implementation of RPA technology based on clear objectives, savings and return on investment.

Thanks to RPA, more than 20 people from different areas collaborated in this automation project, who documented and assessed a total of 99 processes in the company.

32 of them were categorized and 5 of them presented a lower ROI in one year.

The total savings thanks to the RPA it was 3,250 hours a year.


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Yeeply provides RPA solutions for business automation

Unlike other tools, RPA makes it possible for companies to automate themselves simpler, with less cost and in less time.

In Yeeply, thanks to our RPA developers, we help you automate your business processes so that you can grow, innovate and position yourself in the market as a competitive company with growth potential.

Do you need RPA for small business? Or are you a big company looking for automation companies?

We help you detect what you need and find the most qualified RPA developers to start up RPA solutions for companies tailored to you.

Are you looking for RPA development for ecommerce? Do you need to automate your website or are you looking for an RPA SaaS?

Contact us to receive advice and budget without obligation.

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