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The Advantages for Companies Outsourcing IT Support

The Advantages for Companies Outsourcing IT Support

Reducing costs and improving efficiency are key to running a successful business, and the IT outsourcing for businesses is presented as a “master formula” to manage the most technical tasks of any type of technology (development, cybersecurity, support,…) and that require specialised staff.

This is an upward trend, since it is estimated that Global outsourcing spending reaches $731 billion by 2023 (22% more than in 2019).

In addition, around 37% of small companies already outsource some of their processes. The 72% do it to cover computer services and the 60% for specific tasks such as application development. 

If you are looking for outsourced IT support in the UK, you are in the right spot!


What is Outsourcing IT support for businesses?

Outsourcing (union of the words “out” – outside – and “source” – source-), is an increasingly widespread practice.

This business strategy consists of outsourcing certain activities within a project or an organisation to another company or specialised professional.

Hiring outsourcing IT support services for your company will help you establish dynamic and flexible structures, create strategic partners and improve your services, regardless of your size or sector.

Although many believe that outsourcing IT services is only within the reach of large companies, SMEs and startups can also resort to this practice.

Depending on the way in which services are provided, we can talk about different types of business IT outsourcing…

  • Out-tasking. Specific tasks are outsourced, but they are not essential for the organisation.
  • Co-sourcing. The responsibility and provision of the service is divided between the company and the provider. In this type of outsourcing there may be an agreement between a client and several providers.
  • Off-house. The outsourced service is offered from off-site.
  • In-house. The service is carried out within the contracting company itself.


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Why and when to carry out IT Outsourcing?

If your company needs advice on a certain activity due to its complexity or the impossibility of incorporating new qualified staff into your team, outsourcing IT support is the best alternative.

Outsourcing is also advantageous for punctual cover work peaks.

But, in reality, there is no single reason to look for an outsourcing company. The reasons vary according to the context and the real needs of each organisation.

The advantages of hiring technical IT support companies are:

  • Reduces and controls the operating costs of the company.
  • Improves and broadens the focus of the organisation.
  • Allows you to dedicate internal sources and resources to other purposes.
  • Increases efficiency.
  • Minimises risks (these are shared with the service provider company).
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Will you join the other countless companies outsourcing IT departments? Font: Canva

What IT services can be outsourced?

Nowadays, almost any technological task of your company can be outsourced. In fact, IT outsourcing for companies encompasses a wide list of outsourcing of software development services, among which we can list: 

  • App Development
  • Media development
  • Games development
  • Web development
  • Web design
  • IT Maintenance
  • Digital Transformation
  • EPM
  • Remote Tech Talent
  • Selection of digital profiles
  • SEO 
  • Online Communication and Marketing
  • Digital outsourcing for SMEs


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Advantages and Disadvantages of IT Outsourcing

Before hiring a technical support company or outsourcing your IT services, you should know ​​the pros and cons of outsourcing software development.

Advantages of IT Outsourcing

1. You will reduce costs

Outsourcing some services will help you reduce business costs, since you will have the best resources without investing more money in salaries, equipment, training, etc.

2. You will manage talent better 

By subcontracting to IT service outsourcing companies, you can benefit from the services of the best qualified professionals specialised in specific areas.

3. You will optimise your resources

Outsourcing IT support will help you optimise your technological products and services, and will allow you to implement innovative systems. This translates into a greater advantage over your competition.

4. You will be more flexible

Outsourcing some technical services, your company will adapt better to a market that constantly changes and evolves, and you will be able to meet the new needs of your customers.


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Disadvantages of IT Outsourcing

1. Less control

When you are outsourcing business services, it is the external providers who have control of the technology, software and professionals who provide these services. 

2. Increased dependency

If the external company or professional is the only one that provides you with a certain service, your dependence on them will be high.

3. Slowdown Solutions

Outsourcing companies offer 24/7 support and quickly diagnose and fix software problems. However, hardware failures are a difficult challenge for remote IT services and there is a risk of prolonged downtime.

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What should you take into account when hiring Outsourcing IT support companies?

Are you thinking of improving your business and looking for an IT outsourcing company?

This is what you should keep in mind to successfully carry out outsourcing and find the best providers:

  • Find a company specialised and with experience in your sector.
  • Evaluate its customers portfolio and the projects delivered.
  • Read recommendations from other users, clients or collaborators.
  • Analyse their range capacity and their level of commitment with your project.
  • Study if their fees are commensurate with the service provided.
  • Subscribe contracts and sign detailed agreements about the provided services, deadlines, NDA documents (confidentiality sheet), etc.


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Yeeply is your trusted IT Outsourcing company in UK

Do you need IT outsourcing companies in the UK for your digital projects? 

In Yeeply we help companies and startups from all sectors to outsource their IT services. We find the best remote digital profiles in order to form specialised ad hoc teams that can develop specific and concrete projects and provide the maintenance IT support as well.

We are one of the best companies in the outsourcing of services in UK: we offer the services of certified professionals for the development of software, mobile applications, websites, Enterprise Performance Management (EPM), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and all kinds of digital solutions.

More than 2,000 companies looking for IT outsourcing partners have already trusted Yeeply

(…and they keep doing it by contracting our maintenance IT services).

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