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How you should digitise your company after Covid-19

How you should digitise your company after Covid-19

In just a few months, the COVID-19 crisis has caused companies in all sectors to digitise and change the way they view technology.

Digitising the enterprise has gone from being a trend to a reality that brings more profitability and a greater competitive advantage.

The pandemic has also changed the way brands relate to customers and now 80% of interactions with consumers are online.


What it means to digitise a company

Digitising a company means incorporating technology into our business operations to increase efficiency, improve the user experience and boost sales.

This digitization of companies can range from developing a proprietary application, to offering mobile payment options. Its goal is to keep the organization up to date, to offer its customers new ways to interact with the brand, reduce costs and optimize daily operations.

The methods we choose for digitization will vary according to the needs of each company.


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Some of the areas of development to carry out the digitalization can be:

Create a digital marketing strategy

Nowadays, in order to grow, every company needs to be online. We live in a world where we are increasingly connected, and digital marketing strategies can help companies reach new customers, increase brand awareness and increase sales.

These strategies include the creation of an email marketing campaign or the use of social networks to interact with new customers and retain existing ones.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is a tool that can drive more traffic to our website and therefore increase the number of interactions with our brand. There are several ways to boost SEO. For example, researching keywords, producing quality content and through backlinking.

Use mobile payment option

It is extremely easy and convenient for users to make payments via mobile, and fortunately, there are several ways to incorporate it into the business. Apple Pay, Android Pay and PayPal offer easy mobile payment methods that can help you drive sales.

Digital transformation in a firm
Team working connected. Source: Unsplash

Why you have to digitise your company

The benefits of digitising SMEs in times of Covid, have been many, among which we can highlight, having enabled remote working and distance learning during the pandemic.However, of all the benefits of digitizing your company, these are the most important:

Saving money

Storing, organizing and printing documents costs money. You have to buy material such as folders, filing cabinets and printers, and to store them, you need to rent premises or buy office space.

Digitising the company saves operating costs, thus allowing important business documents and data to be in a digital format, which is much cheaper to maintain.

Time savings

A company that uses only paper documentation loses many hours of work dedicated to classifying and updating all the information.

It makes more sense to convert them to digital format, to facilitate electronic searches and to avoid having to go through large amounts of text to find the relevant data you need.

Improve customer service

Digitizing business creates a more positive and optimized customer experience. You can use for example chatbots, which have improved a lot in recent years and can now answer basic questions and redirect customers to the right department.

Strengthening the support system through digitization makes the customer-facing response system faster, more effective and more convenient.

Reach mobile users

If in addition to creating a website, you adapt it to mobile devices, you will reach a very important fraction of our target audience.

More and more people use their phones to browse and shop, and in this way, it makes it easier for the customer to interact with our brand.

More efficient operations:

There are a large number of digital tools to help optimize the operation of our company, from inventory management, productivity optimization, categorizing and accessing business documents (reports or confidentiality agreements, etc.,) in the most efficient way.

Digitization allows one to achieve an impeccable organization at all levels.


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We list some success stories of companies that have bet on digitization:


This technology products and services company thanks to digitalization, has been able to pivot and adapt to grow in a changing industry.

Now, Microsoft focuses on cloud-based, mobile-optimized technologies that are more accessible than ever through the use of artificial intelligence, allowing it to create an unbeatable customer experience….


Many apparel brands have struggled with production and shipping delays and some, even, have had to close stores.

Nike underwent a digital transformation that allowed them to sell directly to consumers. Its strategy was to optimize its Nike and SNKR apps, boosting its online marketing plan to drive online sales.

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How to digitise your company

First, you must decide what you really need to digitize, through an in-depth audit. Before moving forward, you must identify the areas where digital transformation will have the greatest impact, whether it is improving communication, cybersecurity, document management, etc.For example, if you want to make an inventory of all the paperwork and digitise it to optimize this area, it would not make sense to digitize all the information if, for example, documents from 30 years ago are no longer useful for the company. It would be a waste of time, money and space in gigabytes.? You may be interested in: Hyperconvergence: The future of the digital infrastructureIn addition, anything you do not want to keep should be disposed of safely.

Digital transformation in a firm
Company digitalization. Source: Unsplash

Establish processes and procedures

For digitization to work you must have a set of processes in place. To define these processes and make them clear, ask yourself some questions. What happens to the paperwork after it is digitized? How long are different items stored digitally and what is a secure digitization process for disposing of them?

For example, if your company accepts credit card payments, you may decide that orders are kept for three years, tax-related documents for five years, and contracts for 10 years.

By establishing clearly defined digitization processes from the beginning, the results will be much better.

Using e-commerce to increase sales

People are increasingly shopping online, so it is imperative to incorporate online sales into our business. With this strategy, small businesses can better compete with large corporations like Amazon, while avoiding high fees associated with services like GrubHub and Instacart.

Implement CRM software

Customer relationship management (CRM) software is a digital tool that can be used to organize and manage customer information. In general, using CRM can help a company give a better user experience, develop more effective marketing strategies and generate an optimal customer base.

Creating an app for your company

Developing an app for our company improves the user experience and promotes brand loyalty. Creating an app that allows customers to make purchases or schedule services, for example, makes engaging with your company easy and convenient. It also provides a positive customer experience that sets you apart from the competition.

Yeeply can help you

There is no business future without digitization. If you think that only large companies need to go digital, you’re already lost. SMEs also have to put new technologies at the center of their strategy and transform themselves.

Yeeply has been guiding companies of all sectors and sizes in their digital transformation for almost 10 years. If you have any questions and want to know more, tell us your ideas. We will be happy to help you.

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