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Top 5 digital transformation challenges (and how to overcome them)

Top 5 digital transformation challenges (and how to overcome them)

Yeeply has already posted quite a great deal on the digital transformation of companies. And we’ll keep on doing so as there are companies that still find this digital transformation process problematic.

We’d like to discuss here what the biggest challenges in digital transformation are and how to overcome them. Please read and learn how to anticipate these digitalisation challenges and avoid delays in your company’s digital transformation roadmap.

Top 5 challenges in digital transformation

Setting up a digital transformation strategy is not easy despite the great advantages it entails. This is so because companies must also face several challenges that come along with this digital transformation. Let’s have a look at which of them are the most common and how to avoid them.

#1 Resistance to change

book on change on white background
Changes need to be made to achieve digital transformation. Source: Unsplash

Some people just love changes. However, the most widespread stance in companies is to stick to the preceding way of doing things. Digital transformation implies a deep mind-set change, which — ideally — should be promoted from the top management down.

However, resistance to change is common for employees and managers alike. Changing routines, uncertainty… Some workers even fear to lose their jobs to such changes or harbour the idea that some newcomer is trying to impose new work methods.

Transparency is the best weapon available to tackle this resistance to change. It’s very important to know how to convey to employees the idea that change is necessary in order to be on the same page as industry leaders. All employees must understand the reasons behind this digital transformation strategy, the steps that are going to be taken to achieve it and the digital transformation benefits to be drawn.

Likewise, the company must offer the necessary training and support to ensure that all employees are motivated, find their feet regarding the changes introduced, and internalise the new work processes.


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#2 Lack of insight as to digital channels

laptop on a table with analytics
Business data analytics. Source: Unsplash

Some companies have barely landed in the digital world. Others have already taken some steps but have yet to finish their work to introduce themselves to this new environment because they are not sure about what they want to achieve by growing digitally.

As with other corporate matters, having a strategy with well-defined objectives is essential to get digital transformation on the right track. Implementing isolated measures without being clear about the sought-after aim may prove utterly useless.

Here are some steps to set your company’s goals up in the digital world just in case you need it:

  • Assess your company’s current situation: what your brand is, who your customers are, SWOT analysis of your company, etc.
  • Analyse the market. What are your customers’ needs? What are they demanding your company to deliver? What are your rivals in the industry up to on digital channels?
  • Stay up-to-date regarding technology trends. Which emerging technologies can I apply to my business? Has technology had an impact on customer behaviour?
  • Sketch the customer journey that your customers will follow after implementing your company’s digital transformation. This way you’ll be able to come up with new business ideas and to analyse and test them. The results will indicate if this is the way to go or if certain changes are still necessary to continue improving.

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#3 Lack of innovation experience

Combining talent and technology is compulsory in order to carry out a digital transformation project successfully. Employees may not be ready to participate in this innovation process if their training has been neglected and their knowledge has not been properly updated.

Likewise, the same applies to the technology used by a company on a daily basis. Some systems and equipment no longer respond to the current needs of businesses, so you must be up-to-date with whatever tools may be necessary to move your company’s digital transformation forward.

How can we fix this? Maybe it’s time to get help from outside your company. Resorting to consultancy firms or agencies specialised in digital transformation can help you make progress safely while avoiding mistakes or delays. If your employees already have the knowledge required but need someone to lead the project, you can hire professionals to round off your team.


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#4 An inherited business model

strategy papers on a table with hands
Business strategy. Source: Rawpixel

In other articles, we’ve already discussed that digital transformation entails an all-encompassing change. This means that — beyond updating technology or renewing internal processes — it can lead to deep changes such as revamping the business model or putting the company’s internal structure under review.

For this reason and in line with the resistance to change we’ve been talking about, it’s quite usual to come across companies that are not willing to remodel themselves to such an extent. However, the first step towards successful digital transformation is to be open to any level of change.

After having analysed their business, market, customers, and rivals, some companies find out that offering a free service is a good way to attract leads and subsequently offer other services.

Others also find out that creating new digital sales channels can help them differentiate their products and/or services and increase their turnover. There are many more examples like these confirming that those companies who are the most flexible, innovate, and take risks are more likely to succeed in the current digital age.


? Find out more: The Power of Intelligent Process Automation (IPA)


#5 Limited budget

The budget will always be limited, no matter what the size of the company is. This is no insurmountable reason for preventing any company from tackling a digital transformation process. But it doesn’t change the fact that each step taken must be justified.

Ideally, you should conceive a digital transformation roadmap involving different stages. This way, you can implement changes gradually and allocate your budget better without compromising the company’s financial health. And if you want to minimise risks and avoid failed investments, it’s best to enlist the support of an experienced digital partner.

Overcome the biggest challenges in digital transformation

Now you’re acquainted with the biggest challenges in digital transformation. As we’ve been discussing, companies must be open to change but since it’s better to be safe than sorry, it’s in their best interest to be able to rely on the help of an experienced partner.

Yeeply has extensive experience in digital transformation consulting services and in creating multidisciplinary teams to promote the digitalisation of companies. Talk to our experts and let us create a solution tailored to meet your needs.

Digital Transformation Project
