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8 examples of marketing automation for your business

8 examples of marketing automation for your business

Marketing automation is becoming ever more widespread. It enables a company to perform a large number of actions automatically to a point that was unthinkable until a few years ago or would have taken away an inconceivable amount of time every day. 

If you want to know more about marketing automation, please read on. We’ll discuss its advantages and give you ideas for implementing marketing automation with tools that are within easy reach.

What is marketing automation?

Marketing automation could be defined as the set of tools that help a marketing agency carry out strategies in an automated way, without requiring human intervention. 


Marketing automation is the set of tools that help carry out strategies without requiring human intervention


These tools enable a series of actions to take place automatically, such as sending e-mails, analysing data or generating the content, just to name a few examples. This way, marketing professionals can focus on other tasks of a more creative nature that do require their active intervention.

This doesn’t mean, however, that human intervention is not necessary at some point. To implement automation it’s necessary first to identify thoroughly who your client is, define a sales funnel, plan the actions and then define the steps to be followed in each of these tools. But once these automations have been activated, the actions are triggered without human intervention.


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Marketing automation tools

Computer screen with tools. Source: Rawpixel


Marketing automation allows for increasing lead acquisition, user conversion and, as a result, the company’s turnover. It’s especially important and helpful for B2C marketing strategies, although it can also be applied to B2B strategies. 

One of the best-known marketing automation tools is HubSpot; others such as Marketo or Keap are also quite popular. And as to e-mail marketing automation, some of the most widely known tools are MailChimp and ActiveCampaign. However, virtually all e-mail marketing platforms currently allow you to create automation sequences. 


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Examples of marketing automation

If you don’t know where to get started, we can give you some ideas on how to implement marketing automation for different stages of your customers’ buyer journey. You’ll witness an improvement in your customers’ engagement and the results will turn into sales.

Welcome e-mails

The moment when someone registers to receive your news or creates an account in your e-commerce is a golden opportunity to make him/her feel valued and well looked after. Registration systems quite often send a transactional e-mail containing little more than the account’s information and with no format whatsoever. Take a step further and grasp the opportunity to welcome your new customer


Welcome e-mails can be used to make a good first impression on new customers


If you offer services, you can use it to introduce your website, highlight some of its most visited content and offer valuable content. This valuable content could be a downloadable material, for instance. If you have an online store, you can introduce yourself and include a welcome discount code. What really matters is that you make a good first impression.


Sale banner set. Source: Rawpixel

Customer support

Customer service is one of the areas that has benefited from the emergence of chatbots and Artificial Intelligence. Chatbots greatly facilitate customer service through a company’s website at any time of the day. Some of their advantages include answering frequently asked questions and managing queries

Purchase review

An ideal moment to interact with customers is each time they make a purchase. The purchase summary e-mail can include a small questionnaire for customers to rate the purchase, request a purchase review from them or enhance cross-sales. 

You can implement, for instance, a personalised tracking campaign that is activated when customers purchase a particular product and automatically sends them an e-mail a few days after to ask what they think about the purchase while suggesting other products that they might be interested in.


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E-mail reminder

Finding the perfect time to send an e-mail is an art in itself. Even if we are very clear about which moments yield a better opening rate, it’s impossible to reach everyone. 

This is where e-mail automation comes into play. We can schedule a campaign that’s automatically sent again after a while if the user has not opened the e-mail or has not clicked on some intended link. This can help us qualify the lead, and see if the customer is really still interested in us or not.

Omnichannel strategy

This is not about repeating the same action throughout different channels but about complementing actions with each another. For example, we can − in a campaign that is activated via e-mail − schedule the sending of an SMS reminding about the promotion when there are only 48 hours left for the campaign’s closing. 

You can maximise the results without ‘burning’ your users with good planning and by combining the options available in the different channels.

Recovering leads

man with dashboard
Scheme of workflow strategy. Source: Unsplash


It’s already something more of a classic, but it offers good results. You can activate this kind of campaign after a period of inactivity in which leads have not opened our e-mails, accessed our website or made a purchase. 

You can send your users an e-mail to tell them how much you miss them and, at the same time, refer to some of their favourite products that they have bought before. Another option is to send an e-mail when an abandoned shopping cart is detected. This option can also be combined with other actions, such as retargeting with social ads.


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Customer classification by purchase volume

You can set up some form of purchase reward, such as accumulative points that become discounts, to try to prevent a lead from falling into the period of inactivity we mentioned before. Thus, customers will be more attached to the brand because the more they buy the more benefits they will get.

A/B testing

A/B tests are the best way to experiment with the content of your campaigns and refine it. It can be applied to e-mail marketing by changing an e-mail’s main image or its subject, for instance. 


A/B tests are the best way to experiment with the content of your campaigns and refine it


However, these tests can also be carried out on social media advertising by using different images for the same campaign, or by changing the copy while maintaining the same image. This way you can check which one works best and thus get to know your users better. The key is to always test just one change at a time. 


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What is your favourite marketing automation strategy?

As you can see, there are all kinds of ways to implement marketing automation strategies. Which one is your favourite? If you’re thinking about implementing this kind of actions and looking for a digital partner, Yeeply knows how to help you out. Get in touch with us!

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